Science at NCHS
The Science Department offers a wide variety of courses in which students will explore the core ideas of various science disciplines, engage in science and engineering practices, and apply crosscutting concepts to make sense of the physical and biological world. Our program is designed to:
Help students to develop a deep understanding of the fundamental laws of our universe and how these laws govern the phenomena they observe in the world around them.
Enable students to build an understanding of how scientific research is conducted, how technology is developed, and how this has a direct impact on their lives.
Empower and prepare students to pursue college and careers in science. Each student is offered an opportunity to experience a developmentally appropriate, rigorous, and logically sequenced program that is rooted in making sense of observable natural phenomena. All students in each of our courses, regardless of the level of instruction, engage in extensive laboratory experiences and investigations.
While current graduation requirements include a minimum of three credits of science, an ideal comprehensive science education should be four years of science covering a broad range of disciplines.
Science Course Sequences
Course Descriptions and Unit Guides
Core Science Courses
Elective Science Courses
AP Science Courses