Independent Study Program

The Independent Study Program gives a student a way to pursue a self-designed project in any area of study. It aims to encourage students to develop their own standards for learning to become reliant on their own resources, and to reflect on this learning via the keeping of a digital portfolio which includes journals chronicling the project.  The Program is run by the Independent Study Coordinator and is advised by a Faculty Steering committee. An Independent Study student works under the guidance of an adviser---usually a faculty member or another adult knowledgeable in the student's field of study--to fulfill a contract designed by the student with the help of the adviser and accepted by the Independent Study Committee.

Entrance into this program is granted via the Independent Study Committee. The Independent Study Project may not duplicate a course offered in the regular curriculum, but may concentrate on an advanced level or a specific aspect of a course already taken. Although an Independent Study is generally taken for graduation credit and not for distribution credit, it may be taken for distribution credit with the approval of the Principal.

Program Coordinators: 

Office Hours: By appointment; send an email

Room: Room 108 (Astacio)

Phone: (203) 594-4628

Grade: Available to Grades 10-12

Duration: By Semester

Prerequisite: Completion of Independent Study Contract 

Credit: 45 Hours for .25 Credits; 90 hour for .5 credit; 180 hours for full credit