Information for Advisors

Being an advisor for an Independent Study (IS) Student is an extremely rewarding task. The time involved will vary according to the project & the student, but an advisor is not expected to prepare in the same manner as they would for a class. Sometimes a project is initiated by a potential advisor, who may suggest an idea to a student--but it is more likely that a student will approach a staff member who he or she would like to work with in their particular subject area.

Advisor Duties:

  • To help the student (as necessary) to formulate the contract which will govern the project.

  • To come with the student before the IS Committee to have the project approved.

  • Meet with the student frequently throughout the contracted period to direct, advise, & make constructive criticisms of the project keeping in mind that to reflect the purpose of the IS, the project must reflect the student's own research, work, learning, & initiative.

  • To regularly monitor the student's journals.

  • To advise the student on any written portions of the project.

  • To send the IS Coordinator an official end-of-quarter progress report--reporting on any project that has been under way for six weeks at the conclusion of a quarter, or which will not be completed at the end of the designated semester. The coordinator will independently file them appropriately and send a copy to the student & their parents.

  • To be present and be a voting member of the student's official Evaluation Committee at the conclusion of the project.