NCHS Senior Yearbook Information

Dear Class of 2024,

Congratulations on making it to senior year! While you’re in the midst of the college admissions process, the yearbook staff is hard at work making sure that your senior yearbook is a success.

As many of you know, much of the yearbook is spent celebrating the seniors. Included in the senior section are senior portraits, baby pictures, senior quotes, Lambs to Rams and senior ads.

Unlike the rest of the book, the senior section is unique in that we need YOUR participation to create it!

On the following pages, you will find information on how to assemble and submit your senior portrait, senior quote, baby picture and senior ad, as well as instructions on how to purchase a yearbook.

We ask that you please strictly adhere to the due dates (we are on tight deadlines), as we would hate for you to be left out of all the fun! Remember, you’re only a senior at NCHS once!

If you are unsure about anything on the following pages, or have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the following ways:

NCHS Yearbook Advisor

Business/Sales Manager

James Zambarano: 
Phone: (203) 594-4636

Paul Gallo
Phone: (203) 594-4681

Senior Photo Information