NCHS Special Education Programs

Welcome to the New Canaan High School Special Education Program! Below is a comprehensive guide to the programs we offer for students who need specialized instruction.

Learning Strategies Program

The goal of this program is to prepare students to become independent and successful in school and in the community. Strategies such as self-advocacy, goal setting and decision making, time management, organizational skills and note taking, listening and reading, writing, test preparation and test-taking, and stress reduction are emphasized. This is one of the courses where students will receive specialized instruction to target the goals in their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). Additionally, students will take an in-depth look at their learning styles and be asked to apply their personal strengths to academic situations. Coursework will also focus on student’s participation in the process of developing their IEP and includes the development of a plan for transition to postsecondary school or career choices.

Language Learning Strategies Program

The Language Learning Strategies Program has the same goals and curriculum as the Learning Strategies Program; however, a significant emphasis is placed on receptive and expressive language skills. These courses are taught by a speech-language pathologist.

LAUNCH Program (Ages 18-21)

The LAUNCH transition program is for students who have completed 12th grade, but are still in need of specialized instruction. The program is specifically designed for 18 to 21-year-old students with special needs as they transition from their high school experience and graduate into the community with vocational skills or to adult service programs. The program focuses on career awareness, job exploration, community participation, and independent living. Upon completion of the program, students will earn a diploma.

Vocational Internship Program

The program places students in community-based internships to develop their prevocational skills while providing them with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Students are afforded the opportunity to develop the communication, social, and interpersonal skills needed in the work setting. Transportation is provided to the work site and back to school. The amount of time and/or days of participation in the work setting can be tailored to the student’s individual needs.