Please click on the accordions below to find the appropriate guidelines, protocols, and corresponding forms.
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Guidelines for Illness and Health Conditions
Guidelines for Illness and Health Conditions
When should I keep my child home from school?
Please keep your child home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
● Temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (a fever)...
● Nausea/persistent abdominal discomfort/vomiting/diarrhea
● Persistent cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Rash (undiagnosed- not yet seen by a healthcare provider)
● Sore throat not yet assessed by a healthcare provider
● Positive strep test/culture until 24 hours after antibiotic has been started
● Yellow or green-colored phlegm or nasal discharge
● Yellow or green eye drainage
● When your child feels too ill to participate in the school day
Your child may return to school when:
● They are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for 24 hours
● GI symptoms have resolved for 24 hours
● Rash has been assessed by a medical provider and deemed to not be of a contagious nature (note to be provided)
● 24 hours after an antibiotic has been started and feeling well
If you have more than one of the above symptoms, call your doctor. Please scroll to the "COVID-19" dropdown below for more information if you suspect your child may have COVID-19.
Please Note: New Canaan Public Schools District and the public health nurses reserve the right to send home any student who displays signs of ill health or injury that, in the nurse’s judgment, may jeopardize the general welfare of the student and/or class. Updated: 8/29/24