Welcome to The Nurse's Office

Welcome to the New Canaan Public School Health Services! We provide each school with Registered Nurses who have expertise in school health and pediatric care. Our mission is to help all of our students access their education and be their best!

The school nurses provide direct care such as first aid, manage acute and chronic health issues, promote health and wellness and teach independence in self care.  We also manage communicable illnesses and infection control.  The school nurses are part of Planning and Placement teams, Student Assistance teams and 504 teams as we work to meet our student’s needs. 

The NCPS nurses also do State of Connecticut mandated screenings, manage immunization compliance,  and review all mandated physical exams so our students may safely attend school.  

Physical exams are required upon entry as a new student, prior to beginning kindergarten, prior to 7th grade and prior to 10th grade. 

Additionally, at the high school level, all athletes are required to present an annual physical exam.

All physical exams must be on the CT Department of Education Health Assessment Record.

Emergency Information: Please be sure to electronically update your emergency contacts and medical consent in PowerSchool.

Please note the following regarding student medications:

  • District policy requires school day medications to be administered by a school nurse with a completed Medical Authorization Form.

  • Metered dose inhalers, Epinephrine, and insulin may be self administered with the appropriate forms and physician and parent consent.  Click here for more information on Epi-Pens.

  • Students are not permitted to carry any other medications including over the counter medicine.

Please notify your child’s school nurse of any chronic health issues, allergies, injuries, surgeries or stressful situations that may impact their day.  The nurse will work with the child’s physician, parents and the school team to meet special health needs.  We are here to help!