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Building Use Requests & Rates

Building Use Requests & Rates
New Canaan Public Schools (NCPS) uses the FMX school and building use system for rental space requests. Note that use of any NCPS district facility is subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the Board of Education Building Use Policy. Individuals requesting space must represent an organization, business, or community group. The requested building use must conform to district policy. All use may be subject to facility rates, charges and additional fees for services provided by custodial, campus security, technology support and or theatrical event management. Standard rates can be found by clicking here or within the FMX system.
School Requests
1. An organization representative must register with https://ncps.gofmx.com
Please note that all users not covered by the New Canaan Board of Education or Town of New Canaan insurance policies must upload a certificate of insurance (COI) of not less than $2 million, naming BOTH the New Canaan Board of Education AND Town of New Canaan as additional insured. This COI must note the date(s) of the events as well.
NCPS requests that each organization assign one person to be responsible for creating reservations.
2. The District will either approve new organizations or be in contact with additional questions within 48-72 hours of registration.
3. Upon approval, the organization’s representative will receive an email and may then proceed in requesting their preferred space and time.
4. The District will approve reservation requests or be in contact with additional questions within 48-72 hours.
If you have any questions, please contact the designated school contact listed below: