Digital Learning
New Canaan Public Schools provides an exceptional educational experience with the goal of preparing our students to be creative, productive members of a global community. We are committed to this mission, even in the most challenging of circumstances. In such circumstances, such as an extended closing, New Canaan Public Schools will provide engaging, valuable instruction through the use of the wide variety of digital resources we have available. This "eLearning" experience, is described as the experience students will have if school remains in session, but students are unable to physically attend school due to campus closure.
eLearning, or "electronic learning" is the delivery of learning through digital means, such as web-based resources, learning management systems like Google Classroom and Schoology, and district authorized software. While eLearning cannot replace onsite, in-person learning it does provide students an opportunity to engage in meaningful learning that meets standards in an online environment.
Our Mission
The primary mission of the New Canaan Digital Learning Department is to increase learning through collaboration, curriculum development, assessment, and professional development.
The DL Department strives to make technology a vital, yet transparent part of the learning environment and organizational processes through technical expertise enhanced by teamwork and communication.
It is the goal of the Digital Learning Department to provide timely, efficient, knowledgeable, and quality technical support to all students and staff in the New Canaan Public Schools.
Additionally, the Digital Learning Department is committed to providing leadership in the development of technology-based school and community connections.