District Charge Account Policy

As a friendly reminder, parents are responsible for ensuring that there are adequate funds to cover their child’s lunch each day.

Please remember, if there is a financial difficulty in the household, you may qualify for free and reduced lunches. nApplications for Free and Reduced Lunch can be found on the left-hand side under the "Food Services Menu" dropdown.

It is important to note that the cafeteria will never deny a child a meal even if the account is negative, but the following limitations will apply:

Negative Balances in Student Accounts

Negative Account Balance Reminder Emails will be generated and sent out to parents weekly. The Food Service Department and/or Business office will contact parents by phone if the balances remain negative for an extended period of time. If a parent would like an email notification when the account is getting low, they can sign up for this free service with LinqConnect. However, we encourage you to check your child’s balance on a regular basis.

When an Elementary paid or reduced student’s account is at negative $20 or more, the student will be allowed to charge a complete lunch only to their account. The child will not be allowed to charge any snacks or additional drinks to their account.

When a Middle School or High School paid or reduced student’s account is at negative $25 or more, the student will be allowed to charge a complete lunch only to their account. The child will not be allowed to charge any snacks, or additional drinks to their account.

If you have any questions, please contact the Food Service Office at 203-594-4668.