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K-4 Curriculum Menu |

About K-4 Curriculum
Our success as a school district is due in many ways to its infrastructure of expert instructional leaders. These leaders oversee:
ongoing updating of curriculum
the development and refinement of instructional practices
the design, implementation and analysis of assessments
the facilitation of ongoing professional learning through modeling, coaching, training and supervision.
Contact Directory
If you have a question or cannot find the contact you are looking for, please call your school's main office.
Who Do I Contact?
1. Classroom Teachers
Classroom teachers are in the best position to provide information about your child, whether academic or behavioral. If you have a question, compliment or concern, please begin by speaking directly to the classroom teacher.
2. Counselors
Particularly during the middle and high school years, when each child has multiple classroom teachers, a counselor is the staff member responsible for helping to establish and facilitate connections. Counselors work closely with students, families and teachers to support planning, program development, monitoring of progress, adjustment and placement processes.
3. School Nurses
Any questions of a medical nature about your child should be directed to your school nurse. Click here for school nurse contact information.