T.E.P.L.: Teacher Evaluation Professional Learning

The Teacher Evaluation and Professional Learning Plan (T.E.P.L.) of the New Canaan Public Schools is a model of educator evaluation and growth that is visionary and innovative, building on the exemplary work of this district in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development.

The T.E.P.L. system is one that seeks not only to ensure educator accountability but also to foster the continuous growth of all educators in the district. Moreover, the system is designed to promote the growth of individual educators as well as the collective growth of our schools and the district as a whole. Ultimately, such a coherent and comprehensive approach to professional learning and growth, coupled with evaluation and supervision, supports our commitment to high-quality, effective teaching and learning for all students, in every classroom in New Canaan.

It is the intent of T.E.P.L. to provide all teachers with developmental opportunities best suited to their professional growth, the needs of students and the expectations of NCPS. The components of the T.E.P.L. plan that have been developed to foster such professional learning, while in alignment with Connecticut State Core Requirements for educator evaluation, are:

1. New Canaan Public Schools Effective Teaching Framework
2. Professional Growth Plan
3. Educator Observation of Practice Framework
4. School Climate Goal
5. Structured Assistance

Detailed information regarding each of these components can be found in the full T.E.P.L. plan document. Additional resources for self reflection, professional growth, and mid/end year reflections can be found below: