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WheresTheBus™ Parent App
NCPS households can now know when their student’s bus will arrive at their stop.
Any member of the household can access your student’s information from any internet connected device.
Bus location is monitored by GPS and information is transmitted by cellular service. Please note: Households may see small skips in data due to limited cell service.
WheresTheBus™ Screen Overview:
Arrival status: Estimated time of arrival (ETA) is displayed when arrival time can be predicted.
Last message: “current” is displayed when bus data has been received in the last minute.
Bus location & distance: represented by bus icon and “crow-fly” distance to house.
Your House: represented by home icon.
Bus #: Click on bus # to switch between buses (if multiple).
How do I get started?
You will need each student's 6-digit Student Number
Student Numbers can be found on the PowerSchool Parent Portal
Create only one account per family and share the login
Download the app to your device
App is available at no cost to the family