On March 3, 2023, the South School Student Council donated over 15 boxes and five tote bags full of school supplies to the King Street Intermediate School in Danbury, CT. The classroom materials were collected in a supply drive throughout the month of January and included new and gently used items such as colored pencils, crayons, notebooks, binders, classroom cleaning supplies, and more. This donation was particularly important for King Street Intermediate School as they face larger classrooms with fewer staff.
King Street Intermediate School is located in Danbury, CT, and serves over 395 students in Grades 4-5. The school has a student:teacher ratio of 17:1, which is significantly higher than the recommended CT-State level of 12:1. They currently have a minority student enrollment rate of 61%, and more than half of their students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Once again, these numbers are higher than the estimated state averages, making it hard for teachers to supply their students with all the materials they need to learn daily.
Students, parents, teachers, and members of the New Canaan community donated to the supply drive held for King Street Intermediate School. Items included:
- Colored Pencils
- Headphones/Ear Buds
- Composition Books (no wires)
- Lysol wipes
- Copy Paper (white preferred)
- Pencils
- Crayons
- Sticky notes
- EXPO markers/Dry eraser
- Teacher Chart Paper
- Gallon Ziplock bags
- Tissues
- Two-Pocket Folders (any color – plastic preferred)
Once collected, the items were sorted into different boxes and delivered in person to the students at King Street Intermediate School. The South School Student Council was invited to learn more about their peers at KSIS and participated in fun ice-breaker-type activities like "Question-and-Answer" Jenga and even a Rock-Paper-Sissors competition before they headed home.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the supply drive and to Assistant Principal Zoe Robinson for inspiring this amazing event!