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CTE 9-12 Courses
CTE Courses
Business & STEM Education
The Business and STEM courses are designed to challenge students to develop the essential soft skills necessary to be productive and valued members of the 21st Century workforce. We offer a variety of technology and computer science classes focused on programming in a variety of languages, creative applications like 3D animation/modeling and designing, and building games. We also offer courses in Business where students gain exposure to many fields of business, such as Personal Finance and Marketing. In both areas students gain skills that will help them succeed in any field they decide to pursue. The infusion of technology goes beyond the labs and is integral in all classrooms as a tool to help students use information which is abundantly available to create and build new knowledge. Students work through significant problem based learning experiences where they are not simply acquiring new information, rather students work collaboratively to solve real-world problems in real-world contexts.
Family and Consumer Sciences
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) courses are designed to enable students to acquire skills and knowledge relevant to personal careers and daily living. FCS is an important part of a total educational experience because of the dual responsibility most students will assume in the home and in the labor force. These are relevant academic programs offering courses that support critical reading and writing skills, reinforcing rigorous academic studies. FCS integrates math, science, and metacognitive skills, and allows students to capitalize on their natural abilities to learn the most effective strategies for success through hands-on experiences. In addition to the listed course offerings, it is possible for a student to take advanced work through independent study for credit, in cooperation with department personnel.
NOTE: Wheat, dairy and egg products will be used extensively in all Foods courses.
Technology & Engineering Education
Technology and Engineering Education provides students learning experiences that develop an understanding of the influences and effects of technology on the environment. This program engages students in active, problem-based learning, while simultaneously integrating and extending knowledge across all disciplines. Each course allows students the opportunity to apply science, technology, engineering, math, research, and writing skills to real-world applications through applied research, design, production, operation, and analysis of technological systems. The Technology and Engineering Education program provides all students the opportunity to acquire and develop problem-solving skills applicable to today’s rapidly changing technological society.
A college-level pre-engineering sequence of courses, Project Lead The Way (PLTW), are offered at NCHS – Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics, and Engineering Design and Development. Through these courses, students explore technology-related engineering careers and prepare themselves for advanced, university-level study of engineering and related fields
A visiting team from the University of New Haven has certified NCHS’ PLTW program as a “School of Excellence,” which enables NCHS students the opportunity to earn college credit for these courses if they earn at least an 80 class average and score a 70 or above on the college credit portion of the final exam. Students who meet these requirements may apply (for a fee) for up to three college credits in each of these courses.
To learn more about PLTW and the possibility of earning college credit through these courses, see the CTE Department Chair, your school counselor, or visit the PLTW website.