This month, students from the NCHS Math Buddies club stopped by Saxe to join the last period of the Lower Division's math class. During this time, our Saxe students worked with the NCHS Math Buddies to better understand math concepts, solve problems and, ultimately, connect with older students to help bridge the gap between middle school and high school.
Founded by NCHS students, Lily Mohr and Susanna Rittenberry, the Math Buddies club is a program that aims to support the learning of our 5th and 6th graders through collaboration with mathematically-inclined NCHS students. These NCHS students working alongside Saxe advisors and teachers to discuss ongoing lesson plans to find fun games, workbooks, and math sheets that can be used during their classroom visits each week.
What a joy it is to have these students come back as role models and to work with our students!